Why backlinks are important for SEO
With all of the hype surrounding the importance of content in your SEO efforts, backlinks have really fallen by the wayside, and this is a critical oversight that can severely impact your search engine result page (SERP) rankings. Since there hasn't been a lot of buzz...
Content Marketing and Inbound are the Same, Right?
If you are a business owner or responsible for marketing for your company, you have no doubt heard the buzz about the importance of content for today's marketing strategies. You may have heard about it in relation to inbound marketing or you may have heard it simply...
Understanding Display Advertising and How it Generates Sales from Previous Visitors
Remember the days when viewing websites meant you'd have annoying popups or banner ads that appeared on the pages and they had absolutely nothing to do with what you were searching for? We were so happy when ad-blockers became the norm and we learned to ignore banner...
How to Start a Blog Follow-up: The Content Quality vs. Quantity Conundrum
Whether you are just learning how to start a blog or you have been working on growing your audience, you need to learn about a conundrum that inbound marketers and business owners struggle with. That would be the quality over quantity conundrum. Sounds simple right?...
Why you Shouldn’t let High Bounce Rates Stop your Heart
You think you've finally hit that magic formula for your business website; the pages are crisp and clean looking, the important things pop out, and you've checked it out on your mobile device to make sure it scales well. Since you know analytics are super important...
5 Ways Writing your own Copy is Destroying your Reputation
Your business means a lot to you and you've poured a lot of blood, sweat and probably even tears into making it a success. You believe in what you do and you think the world should, too. So, it's only natural that you should be the one to write the copy that is going...
Getting Started with Google Analytics is Easy with 3 Areas of Focus
To maximize your inbound marketing efforts, you need to tap into Google analytics so you can get an accurate measure of how your campaigns are working. Simply reviewing sales figures will not give you an adequate picture of how your marketing is performing and what...
Watch for these Top 7 Social Media Marketing Trends in 2017
Whether you're a business owner or a manager in the marketing department of your company, you have likely found all of the changes in promoting your business have led you on a pretty wild ride. While many of the fundamentals you've learned will remain the same in the...
5 Beginner Errors that are Sabotaging your Success with Email List Building
Undoubtedly you've heard that email is a powerful tool for engaging your audience in a personal way that other inbound marketing techniques just can't do. You've probably also heard that it's highly effective at increasing your traffic on landing pages for your...
How to Start a Blog in Six Easy Steps
Let's face it, consumers want great content and they want a lot of it. They want businesses like yours to build relationships with them and they want to be able to count on you for information they need when they need it. If you don't have a blog for your business,...
Budget More Accurately and Nail your 2017 Sales Goals with a Marketing Calendar
Fall is well under way and that means budget planning and sales projections for 2017 is likely right at the top of your agenda. Marketing can be one of the most difficult segments of your budget to plan because it's critical to business growth, yet it's difficult to...
Be SMART About Setting Your Goals
You can do just about anything if you know how to set goals, but most of us don't. It takes quite a bit of planning and if you're not a planner, it can be tough. That's why we have the SMART method for setting goals. So what are SMART goals? They are goals...
A quick look at PPC and SEO – which is better for your budget?
When it comes to your marketing budget you may have trouble deciding which digital marketing to fund, do you go with SEO or PPC. Let's take a quick look and determine which is better for you. PPC is often a business owners' first choice. Quick impact, low maintenance...
The Impact of Header Tags on SEO
When you're looking to improve your web content's SEO, most of the information you find will discuss content and keywords. Don't get us wrong, those are critical to improving your SERPS (search engine page rankings), but there's another important component that...
Traffic Doesn’t Equal Sales
If you're like most people, you're hyper-focused on gaining traffic to your website. As one of your best sales and marketing tools, the more people who visit your site means more profits, right? Not necessarily. The hard truth is that high traffic doesn't equal sales;...
The Problem with Social Media is YOU
Social media can be magic for your business, and I'm here to tell you-you are doing it wrong. You likely started participating in social media as an individual - connecting with your high school friends, co-workers, and even Aunt Betty. They might want to hear about...
5 Reasons to Hire an Agency for your Inbound Marketing
By now you know that inbound marketing is the best way to grow your business, and you have decided you are going to get started. You have read online how successful inbound is done, and you think you can make a bang-up job of it. After all, who knows your brand better...
Marketing Metrics that Will Make your Boss Love you
Sometimes, being responsible for marketing can seem like a thankless job; particularly when you're competing with a sales team for accolades. While you have your brain mired in metrics because you measure and test every component of your marketing campaigns, very few...
5 Ways You’re Doing Inbound Wrong
The process of inbound marketing seems straightforward, right? Create as much content as possible to promote your business and blast it all over the Web so people will stumble across it, love it and become your customers. Oh my, do we have our work cut out for us!...
Tips for Boosting Social Media Engagement
Your social media platforms are your podiums from which you will promote your remarkable content that is going to make your inbound marketing strategies a great success. From boosting your SEO to broadening your reach, leveraging your social media platforms will reap...